The estimated profitability for the MicroBT Whatsminer M63S Hydro is currently $68.00 per day before accounting for electricity costs. With an electricity rate of $0.10 per kWh, the estimated daily profit would be around $50.69.
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How profitable is the MicroBT Whatsminer M63S Hydro?
The estimated profitability for MicroBT Whatsminer M63S Hydro is currently $126.88 before the electricity cost. At an electricity price of $0.10, you are looking at an estimated daily profit of $109.56.
What is the hashrate for MicroBT Whatsminer M63S Hydro?
The MicroBT Whatsminer M63S Hydro can mine the algorithm SHA256 with a hash rate of 360 Th/s.
Whats the price on MicroBT Whatsminer M63S Hydro?
The price of MicroBT Whatsminer M63S Hydro was $12749 when it was launched.
How much mBTC can MicroBT Whatsminer M63S Hydro mine per day?
The current estimated daily mBTC the MicroBT Whatsminer M63S Hydro can mine is 1.338 mBTC.