(XEL) Minor efficiency improvements
(ZANO) Add progpowz algorithm (dev fee 1%)
performance improvements on the cards unequipped with tensor cores (Pascal, Volta, various CMPs)
minor efficiency improvements on the rest of the cards
Add RTX 50xx GPU support
(QUAI) Add quai algorithm (dev fee 1%)
(XEL) Minor performance improvements on 30xx and 40xx cardsTip: if hashrate fluctuations are too large, you can use --hashrate-avg N parameter to smooth out the readings (set N to 60 to use 60-second moving average window, default is 10)
kawpow algorithm is broken in 1.19.2
(XEL) Improve performance on CMP 170HX (~17%)
(PYI) Minor performance improvements on Ampere GPUs and newer (2-3%)
If your efficiency becomes worse with the same OC, reduce --lock-cclock value
(PYI) Add pyrinhashv2 algorithm (dev fee 1%)
Dual/triple combos supported (as the secondary algorithm) with:
KLS (post fork)
(KLS) Add karlsenhashv2 algorithm (dev fee 1%)
Dual/triple combos supported (as the primary algorithm) with:
PYI (post fork)
Add BLOCX mining support (-a autolykos2 --coin blocx)
Note that --coin parameter is mandatory. All supported dual/triple autolykos2 combos work for BLOCX as well.
Remove ironfish algorithm (pre-fork IRON)
(XEL) Performance/efficiency improvements
(XEL) Remove --enable-fork support for xelishash algorithm. Use -a xelishashv2 instead.
(XEL) Add xelishashv2 algorithm (dev fee 2%), including +ZIL
(XEL) Add xelishash -> xelishashv2 auto-switch
(XEL) Efficiency improvements (~5%)
(XEL) Add --tune parameter to set tuning values manually for consistent hashrate across miner restarts
(XEL) Performance / efficiency improvements (~10%)
In this version the miner needs about 2 minutes to tune internal parameters to achieve higher hashrate. It will print a message in the console when the tuning is over.
Tip for Windows users: turn on HAGS (hardware accelerated GPU scheduling) for better performance on xelishash. If you previously had HAGS off, review your overclock settings as the cards will draw more power.
(XEL) Performance / efficiency improvements (~10%)
(XEL) Add experimental solo mining support (solo+tcp://...)
(XEL) Performance / efficiency improvements
Tip: locking GPU memory to 5000mhz doesn't always work well on this version. Some cards perform better with a memory offset instead.
(XEL) Add xelishash algorithm (dev fee 3%), including +ZIL
Only stratum mode is supported
(PYI) Minor performance improvements (~1%)
(IRON) Reduce the number of stale shares
Detect which GPU crashed the miner more reliably
(UI) Display the number of crashes a GPU caused across miner restarts
A new Err column will appear in the GPU stats table after the first crash
Only soft crashes are detected - the ones that can be recovered from by the built-in watchdog restarting the miner (make sure the miner is not run with --no-watchdog)
For API users: the new field is /devices/crash_count
(UI) Hide Inv column if --cpu-check is not set
(GRAM) Add a kernel switch for sha256ton algorithm.--kernel 1 (default) - best when higher power draw is not a concern--kernel 2 - best when (very) low power draw is preferredTip: this version increases hashrate, however it may be less efficient than 1.16.2 with your OC - if that's the case, try reducing the locked core clock slightly, or select --kernel 2
(GRAM, CHAPA) Add sha256ton algorithm (dev fee 1%), including
Only icemining pool is supported at this point
--fan-control can now be set to X to let the driver/OS manage the fan
Add --reset-oc parameter to reset all overclock settings and exit. Run as a standalone command rigel --reset-oc or rigel --reset-oc -d 0,1,....
Add --multi-device-arg-mode parameter to allow the miner to proceed even if the number of per-GPU settings doesn't match the number of GPUs - usually happens when one of the GPUs disappears from the system (taken out for maintenance, PCIE connectivity loss etc.) but the miner is run with the same config (see usage in readme).
(IRON) Remove --enable-fork support for ironfish algorithm. Use -a fishhash instead.
Remove obsolete kawpow (aipg, clore, neoxa, neurai, ravencoin) and ethash (octa, powblocks) algorithm aliases. Use -a kawpow --coin COIN and -a ethash --coin COIN instead.
(IRON) Add ironfish -> fishhash auto-switch, see this guide on how to set it up
(RVN) Report hashrate to mining pools
(IRON) Add fishhash algorithm support (dev fee 1%) including
IRON+ALPH, IRON+KLS, IRON+PYI, IRON+RXD, +ZIL, see bat/sh scripts
Add SOCKS5 proxy support (see --proxy for more info)
Add --no-colour parameter to disable colours in the miner log
Allow opting out of memory clock reset when building DAG by passing --dag-reset-mclock off
(ABEL) Add GPU stats reporting when mining to AbelPool and zkProvers
(ABEL) Add dual and triple mining support with ALPH, IRON, KLS, PYI, and RXD (see dual-abel bat/sh script)
(ABEL) Add abelian algorithm (dev fee 1%, see abel bat/sh script)
Bug fixes:
The miner fails to connect to a mining pool if --dns-over-https is set
Set GPU memory clock offset to 0 when building DAG to prevent its corruption
Add {ts} and {algo} template parameters for log file name (see --log-file in readme for more details)
Add support for mining arbitrary KawPow (-a kawpow) and Ethash (-a ethash) coins
Old coin-specific algorithms like -a neurai are now obsolete and will eventually be removed, see below for details
Cache DAGs when mining kawpow or ethash
To turn off set --kawpow-cache-dag off / --ethash-cache-dag off
(API) Add new fields:
zil_state, indicates whether ZIL is currently mining, possible values: waiting, mining
(PYI) Improve performance on 16xx series GPUs
(ZIL) Display hashrate between rounds (set --zil-retain-hashrate off to disable this feature)
(PYI) Significant hashrate increase on 16xx series GPUs
(ZIL) Calculate pool hashrate accounting for Zilliqa not being mined continuously - now it reflects what the pool dashboard would show
Add --no-pool-url option to hide the pool URL from the log and display the algorithm name instead
(AIPG) Add AI Power Grid mining support (-a aipg), dev fee 1%
(RXD) Minor hashrate/efficiency improvements
Add RTH+PYI, ERG+PYI, CFX+PYI, +ZIL mining support, see bat/sh scripts
(PYI) Add pyrinhash algorithm (dev fee 1%, see pyi bat/sh script)
Add support for Volta architecture (Titan V)
Add CFX+KLS and CFX+KLS+ZIL mining support (see dual-cfx-kls bat/sh script)
(KLS) Add karlsenhash algorithm (dev fee 1%), including
RTH+KLS, ERG+KLS, ETC+KLS, +ZIL, see bat/sh scripts
(KAS) Remove kheavyhash algorithm
Add PowBlocks mining support (-a powblocks)
Remove flora algorithm
(CFX) Low hashrate on CMP cards
(CFX) Add octopus algorithm (2% dev fee, see cfx bat/sh script), including
CFX+RXD and CFX+RXD+ZIL (see dual-cfx-rxd bat/sh script)
CFX+ALPH and CFX+ALPH+ZIL (see dual-cfx-alph bat/sh script)
Add OCTA+RXD and OCTA+RXD+ZIL mining support
Add Neoxa mining support (-a neoxa, see neox bat/sh script)
Bug fixes:
(RVN) Miner is incompatible with Hiveon pool
(ETC) Invalid shares issue introduced in 1.8.0
ChangelogAdd mining support for the following coins (dev fee 1%):
Ravencoin (-a ravencoin, see rvn bat/sh script)
Neurai (-a neurai, see xna bat/sh script)
Clore (-a clore, see clore bat/sh script)
(IronFish) Minor performance improvements for +ironfish dual modes Changelog
Add RTH+IRON and RTH+IRON+ZIL mining support (see dual-rth-iron bat/sh script)
Add ERG+IRON and ERG+IRON+ZIL mining support (see dual-erg-iron bat/sh script)
Add RTH+ALPH and RTH+ALPH+ZIL mining support (see dual-rth-alph bat/sh script)
Improve RTH+RXD performance (30xx and 40xx GPUs)
Improve ERG+RXD, ERG+ALPH, ERG+KAS performance
Rethereum) Add RTH+RXD and RTH+RXD+ZIL mining support (see dual-rth-rxd bat/sh script)
(Rethereum) Add ethashb3 algorithm (1% dev fee)
(Ergo) Add ERG+ALPH and ERG+ALPH+ZIL mining support (see dual-erg-alph bat/sh script)
(Nexa+ZIL) It is now possible to disable ZIL DAG caching to increase Nexa hashrate on 8GB cards (see below)
(ZIL) Add --zil-cache-dag on/off parameter to enable/disable ZIL DAG caching (on by default)
(ZIL) Add --zil on/off parameter to enable/disable ZIL mining per GPU individually (on by default)
(Ergo) Make ERG hashrate drop less significant during prebuild phase when dual mining ERG+RXD and ERG+KAS
Allow setting two decimals for dual ratio --dual-mode a12:rN.NN
(UI) Display GPU core and memory offsets
(UI) Add "r" key shortcut to redact username/worker (useful when sharing screenshots of miner output)
(ZIL) Cache DAG for epoch 1, following ZIL epoch change
(Nexa) Add --nexapow-small-lut on/off parameter to enforce using small lookup tables
Display pool latency before the first share submission
(Ergo) Add ERG+KAS and ERG+KAS+ZIL mining support (see dual-erg-kas bat/sh script)
(Ergo) Add --autolykos2-prebuild parameter to enable/disable dataset prebuild (see readme)
Improve pool re-connection logic (no delay if previous connection attempt was less than 10s ago)
Make troubleshooting overclock issues easier by only logging the error from the first GPU that crashed - most often this is the GPU that needs further OC tweaking
(Ergo) Add autolykos2 algorithm (dev fee 1%)
ERG+RXD and ERG+RXD+ZIL also supported
(ZIL) Improve stability when switching OC in dual/triple mining
(ZIL) Add --zil-test-intervals parameter to set durations of primary algorithm and Zilliqa sessions in test mode (see readme)
Bug fixes:
(Nexa) Invalid shares when mining to Nicehash
Bug fixes:
(Zilliqa) The miner crashes or produces very low hashrate when switching to Zil mining
(Nexa) Performance regression
Fix incorrect parsing of --fan-control parameter (broken in 1.5.0, only last fan control value is applied across all GPUs)
Add support for mining Radiant (-a sha512256d), dev fee 1.0%
(Kaspa) Tiny performance improvements
Allow --fan-control to be set per algorithm - can be used to set different fan speeds for primary algorithm and ZIL
* (IronFish) Minor performance improvements
* (Alephium) Performance improvements for Turing GPUs and newer
(IronFish) Performance improvements for Turing and Ampere GPUs
(Zilliqa) Add --zil-test parameter to simulate ZIL sessions every 30 seconds - useful for testing overclock settings
Bug fixes:
(Alephium) Performance regression
(Zilliqa) Overclock settings are not applied during DAG generation at start up causing power spikes
(Nexa) Minor performance improvements
Bug fixes:
(Alephium) Low pool hashrate when mining to certain pools including alph-pool, woolypooly, and coinhunters
* (IronFish) Minor performance improvements for 30xx series GPUs
* (IronFish) Minor performance improvements
* (IronFish) Minor performance/efficiency improvements
* (IronFish) Stratum v2 support for major pools, hashrate increase
Bug fixes:
* Overclock settings fail to apply on drivers older than v515
* Add ZIL countdown display in TUI and console reports - experimental feature (enable with --zil-countdown)
* (IronFish) Improve compatibility with mining pools - flexpool, herominers, kryptex
* Add support for mining Alephium (-a alephium) and IronFish (-a ironfish)
Dual and triple modes with ETC, ETHW, OCTA and ZIL are supported too.
Bug fixes:
* Memory temperature is not displayed on 530+ drivers
Add --stats-interval parameter to configure GPU stats report frequency
Add support for mining Octa.Space coin
The coin uses ethash algorithm, however you need to set -a octa to prevent the miner rebuilding DAG for dev fee
Dual and triple modes with Kaspa and Zil are supported too.
* (Nexa) Minor performance/efficiency improvements
* Display average GPU power consumption instead of the most recent value reported by the driver - this reduces fluctuations in power readings and efficiency numbers. The averaging window size can be overridden with --power-avg parameter (default 10 seconds)
* (Nexa) Performance/efficiency improvements
As with the previous version, set --kernel 2 to use a more energy efficient implementation for low-end/mid-range 30xx GPUs, otherwise the miner will aim for maximum hashrate even at a cost of higher power draw
* (Nexa) Add --kernel parameter to switch between different nexapow implementations (see notes below)
Bug fixes:
* (UI) dual mining view switch (e.g. nexapow <-> zil) is broken on Windows
* (Nexa) performance improvements (mainly Turing, high-end Ampere, and Ada GPUs)
* (Nexa) Minor performance improvements
* (Nexa) Echelon protocol support
* (UI) Display GPU efficiency information (hashrate per watt)
Bug fixes:
* Miner fails to lock core/memory clocks sometimes
(Nexa) Minor performance improvements
(Nexa) Fix performance regression for 40xx GPUs
* (Nexa) performance/efficiency improvements
* Add support for explicit locked clocks reset (pass X to --lock-cclock / --lock-mclock, see usage example in zil-dual script)
* (Windows) Fix panic errors when using SSL stratums
(Zil) Fix duplicate shares when mining to non-zmp pools (e.g. crazypool)
Multiple ZIL mining fixes/improvements:
Add support for non-zmp pools (including Nexa+Zil, Kaspa+Zil)
Fix insufficient memory error when mining Nexa+Zil
Fix applying overclock settings in dual mining with Zil
Fix duplicate shares when mining to flexpool
See zil-dual bat/sh script in the miner archive on how to set Zil-specific overclock settings
Note that Nexa hashrate will be lower in Nexa+Zil mode compared to Nexa alone on 8GB GPUs because of increased memory requirements.
Also in the release:
Add --no-strict-ssl option to disable pool certificate verification
Fix DNS resolve timeout error on windows
* (Nexa) Fix "duplicate share" issue when mining to pool
* (Nexa) performance/efficiency improvements
Add Nexa mining support (2% dev fee).
Miner terminates connection with a pool if it issued a job but didn't respond to a previously sent RPC request.
(Kaspa) Minor performance improvements
Add dev fee:
ethash - 0.7%
etchash - 0.7%
zil - 0%
kheavyhash - 0.7%
(ETHW, ETC) Using stratum protocol in the pool URL will now resolve to ethstratum for Nicehash, and ethproxy for all other pools. Previously ethstratum was used by default.
Bug fixes:
(Kaspa) mining to ETC Hiveon pool is broken
Fix high CPU usage
Improve Kaspa mining performance
DNS-over-HTTPS support (see --dns-over-https)
Allow setting hashrate averaging window (see --hashrate-avg)
Add --password (-p) parameter to set the password for pool authorisation
Bug fixes:
The miner fails to apply negative clock offsets