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FRENFrencoin is the cryptocurrency and community for frens to transact with positivity, kindness, and wholesomeness. Frencoin was born crypto winter 2023 from seasoned GPU miners and software developers who dreamed for a memecoin with more than a contract address. Frencoin is free of rugpull dynamics, ASIC schemes, and premine antics which are all too common in the cryptospace.
Source: 0.00000094 USDT
Low: 0.00000089 USDT
High: 0.00000160 USDT
0.00000097 USDT
Low: 0.00000084 USDT
High: 0.00000121 USDT
0.00000830 DOGE
Low: 0.00000775 DOGE
High: 0.0000124 DOGE
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