Supported Nvidia RTX 50xx.
Fixed dual Zilliqa + some coins on f2pool and k1pool.
Fixed autoupdate.
Removed Alephium.
Fixed Pyrin and Karlsen on Linux;
Fixed crash after 8 minutes on Linux;
Downgraded glibc version – nanominer works on Ubuntu 18 again.
Added Pyrinhash (Pyrin) support on Nvidia GPUs.
Added EthashB3 (RTH) support. Performance is the same as Ethash.
Fixed DAG-based algorithms on AMD RX 7600 (gfx1102): ethash family (ETHW, ETC, Ubiq, Zilliqa, Callisto, etc); progpow family (Raven, FIRO); Octopus (Conflux)
Fixed some issues related to quad mining.
Added EVR coin.
Fixed password vulnerability: we do not show config via API now in case of webPassword is set.
Added support new name for AMD Radeon RX 550 in modern drivers.
Added Intel Arc support for progpow including kawpow (Raven) and firopow (FIRO). Intel ARC support will be in near future in SimpleMining
Fixed bug in authorizing wallet + ID in some VerusCoin pools.
Fixed several ZIL issues. Changed default coin to ETC. Removed automatic switch from ETH to ETC. Added config for ETHW (Ethereum-Pow)
Automatic switch to ETC is off by default.
We added the option walletEtc to specify ETC wallet after switching.
Added Intel Arc support for ethash. Added automatic switch from ETH to ETC when ETH moves to PoS.
Added Conflux (Octopus algorithm) for AMD RDNA GPUs (RX 5xxx and RX6xxx) Fixed nanominer crashes)
- srbminer-multi-v1.0.2 (Added ETHASH/ETCHASH + HEAVYHASH (OBTC/PBTC) and AUTOLYKOS2 + HEAVYHASH dual mining mode. Faster DAG creation on RDNA2 GPUs. Possible fix for case when some RDNA/RDNA2 GPUs wont create DAG for ETHASH/PROGPOW
Improved LHR unlock stability on old drivers. Recommended drivers are still 510.x and Admin/root privileges are required to unlock. 100% LHR unlock does not work on newer drivers than 510.x at this moment
100% LHR unlock for Nvidia LHR v1 and LHR v2 GPUs. Recommended drivers: 510.x and Admin/root privileges are required to unlock
Significantly improved Ergo (Autolykos2) performace on AMD Vega GPUs up to 15%. Improved performance ethash algorithms (ETH, ETC, UBQ, etc) on Nvidia Turing family up to 0.4%. Added optional config paramter validateShares for checking ethash algorithms family shares on CPU. Added functionality: showing share difficulty for ethash algorithms family on Nvidia and AMD GPUs
Fixed issue: Could not make binaries for gfx103x (AMD RX 6xxx series GPUs)
Fixed crashes and restarts on Nvidia 10xx and 20xx series
Automatic LHR detection by default. Configuration parameter lhr for manual unlock percentage selection. Fixed GPU temperature, power consumption and fan speed display for several Nvidia drivers
Significantly improved FIRO (Firopow) zombie mode on 4Gb AMD GPUs. Fixed VerusCoin (VerusHash) mining)
- teamblackminer-v1.31 (Fixed bug stratumcode for nicehash/hiveon (and possibly other). Added support for NVIDIA compute 6.0, 7.0, 8.0 cards GV100 , V100 , GA100. Fixed XINT,KERN, hashrate and hashrate/w in the stats when running with a selection of gpus in the rig
Fixed VerusCoin (VerusHash) mining on CUDA 11 version
Improved performance of RandomX (Monero)
Significantly improved Ergo (Autolykos2) performance (up to 60%) on AMD Vega 56/64/VII. Slightly improved Ergo (Autolykos2) performance on AMD polaris RX 5xx
Improved performance KawPow (Raven) and FiroPow (FIRO) on Nvidia up to 3%