If you want to change the email (Account) on a rig, there are a few ways to do so!
Last update: 25.January 2023
There are three different ways to change the email on a rig - depending on if you are local to the rig or not!
/root/utils/set_email.sh yournew@email.com
/usr/local/bin/rw /mnt/user
sudo nano /mnt/user/config.txt
Edit your email and then save the file by pressing CTRL+X, confirm Y, and ENTER Then enter the reboot command to apply changes.
With access to the pendrive
Editing config.txt file on pen drive under Windows or Mac. Just plug the pen drive into a regular computer, and edit and change out the email in the config. Txt-file.
Command via SSH
Running command on the rig using SSH/Shellinabox/root/utils/set_email.sh yournew@email.com
Edit the file manually via SSH - can also edit WiFi settings
Using standard Linux commands in SSH/Shellinabox/usr/local/bin/rw /mnt/user
sudo nano /mnt/user/config.txt
Edit your email and then save the file by pressing CTRL+X, confirm Y, and ENTER Then enter the reboot command to apply changes.